The term Industry 4.0 or Industry 4.0 is used for three interconnected and influencing factors:
- Digitalization and integration of any simple manufacturing-business relationship to digitization and integration of complex interconnected production and sales chains
- Digitalizaci of production and service offerings
- New business models
For the purpose of such complex production and sales chains, they have developed over the past 2 years, and in 2015 they have been published by leading companies and institutions in Germany, the leading country in I4.0 activities and ideas, RAMI 4.0 (Reference Architecture Model Industry 4.0) Industry 4.0 Component model. Due to the above three main factors I4.0, RAMI 4.0 is three-dimensional.
The RAMI 4.0 model authors are BITCOM, VDI / VDE and ZVEI. These institutions have decided to develop a 3D model in order to represent all currently “manually” interconnected features of production.
Detailed description of both models, RAMI and Component model, can be found here.
Control theory in Industry 4.0 works with the term I4.0 component. It arises as a combination of the thing itself (its physical representation) and its Digital Twin. Unlike the generally “hazy” understanding of the digital twin, the I4.0 Digital Twin has its exact specification in the form of the Asset Administration Shell (AAS). The description of the Asset Administration Shell can be found in the references to the Industrie 4.0 Plaftorm portal:
In German: Verwaltungsschale in der Praxis
In English: Asset Administration Shell in detail
- Industry 4.0 model RAMI
- Industry 4.0 component model
- Industry 4.0 component detail
- Industry 4.0 plant structure
- Industry 4.0 plant life cycle